Coming together to change the future of education at Google’s Moonshot Summit

Posted on October 31st, 2015

On July 21, 2015, educators, edTech innovators, and entrepreneurs came together for Google’s Moonshot for Education Summit in Amsterdam. A moonshot in education revolves around the idea of “how the education system needs to evolve to reflect…new realities.” During the summit, participants were asked, “If you could change anything in the education system, what would your ‘moonshot’ be?” Among some of the main ideas that emerged from the summit were:

  • Dissolving the wall between schools and community by including young people and outsiders such as artists and companies in curriculum design.
  • Creating a platform where students could develop their own learning content and share it, perhaps like a junior edX.
  • Crowdsourcing potential problems and solutions in conjunction with teachers and schools.