The iTunes of higher education: The rapid rise of online certificates and how they threaten traditional university degree programs

Posted on October 22nd, 2014

Slate explores the topic of online certificate programs and the potential they have for “unbundling” traditional degrees. “Much in the way that 12-song albums gave way to 99-cent iTunes purchases, universities are now under pressure to offer more ways to slice off smaller bits of education.” According to the article, “universities have already put a chunk of their courses online, so crafting a new certificate program allows them to simply repackage that same content into a smaller bundle, then sell the new format.” However, the article questions how online certificates (including single course MOOC certificates, will impact the cost of traditional programs. “A certificate in business doesn’t carry the same weight as a two-year MBA. But does a $20,000 business certificate make it more difficult for schools to charge as much as $130,000 for an MBA?”