TLEF Large Projects call for proposals open

By Heather McCabe posted on June 16th, 2016

The call for proposals for Large Teaching and Learning Enhancement Fund (TLEF) Projects above $50,000 is open.

This year, the TLEF Adjudication Committee is particularly welcoming proposals that address one or more of the following thematic areas:

▪ Enhanced experiential learning opportunities (including proposals that support ongoing reflection and validation of experiential activities).
▪ Measurement of enhancement of student learning and effectiveness (e.g. across different sections of the same course, or over consecutive courses; development of methods to assess student learning).
▪ Curriculum/program scale transformations (e.g. multiple courses linked through a year of study, a program, etc.).
▪ Concentrated blended courses (e.g. non-13 week/3-hour class meeting structures, blended as reduced seat time; greater proportion of course delivered online).
▪ Enhancing interaction and communication (e.g. evaluation of strategies to promote and utilize faculty-to-faculty and faculty-to-student interaction and communication, especially beyond class meetings).
▪ Development or integration of open educational resources that are intended to be used in a course, multiple courses within a program, or across several programs.

The proposals will undergo a two-stage approval process. An initial letter of intent is due by July 15, 2016, and for applicants who are invited to move forward, a full proposal and budget will be due by October 14, 2016.

Information on the Small Projects TLEF call for proposals will be announced in September.

The Centre for Teaching, Learning and Technology (CTLT), faculty support units, UBC Studios and the library will provide feedback and proposal development support for faculty wishing to submit proposals. Support will be provided on topics such as pedagogy, assessment, media, technology integration, interaction, project scope, and budget development.

Between June and August, applicants can contact to request consultation support. Between September and November, CTLT will host weekly drop-in sessions for TLEF applicants who are developing Large and Small TLEF Project proposals. Information on drop-in sessions will be posted to the CTLT events site.

The TLEF was created in 1991 to enrich student learning by supporting innovative and effective educational enhancements. It has funded more than a thousand projects since it was established and continues to support UBC’s mandate to deliver an outstanding learning experience for students.

For more information and to apply, please visit the TLEF website.