Wiki learning to be adopted at Mexico’s Tec de Monterrey

Posted on May 21st, 2014

The Monterrey Institute of Technology and Higher Education in Mexico (Tec de Monterrey) is formally incorporating Wikipedia based assignments and projects throughout the school system as part of their “Tec 21 Educational Model”, an initiative to develop a 21st century pedagogy for the institution. According to the article, “Wikipedia was chosen because it allows professors and students to create projects that satisfy one or more of the Model’s goals such as leadership, global citizenship, social consciousness, oral and written ability in Spanish and English. It also promotes international/multicultural perspective, innovative thinking, critical thinking and problem solving. It meets another important concept, that of extending learning beyond the classroom and campus.” The goal of this project will not only involve article creation but will also focus on skills such as digital animation, computer programming, sound recording, and foreign language ability.