Flexible learning showcase spotlights first round of course transformations
At a recent UBC Celebrate Learning Week event, the Flexible Learning Showcase, UBC faculty members talked about how they are developing courses that were supported through the first round of funding through the Flexible Learning Initiative.
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MOOC offerings and development opportunity this fall
UBC has four MOOCs currently underway and two more slated to start in the coming year.
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Coursera founder and UBC professors discuss MOOCs space
Daphne Koller, one of the founders of Coursera, currently the largest provider of massive open online classes, or MOOCs, spoke recently at UBC about the short history and rapid growth of this emerging model and its impact on university education.
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Flipped Lab: Examining what works in a flipped classroom
As part of the Flexible Learning Initiative, the Centre for Teaching, Learning and Technology (CTLT) will be supporting the establishment of the ‘Flipped Lab’ network, a faculty-led collaboration which will provide community support to discuss and develop effective and engaging flipped classroom approaches across UBC.
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Introduction to Systematic Program Design MOOC Launches
UBC’s fourth massive open online course, or MOOC, Introduction to Systematic Program Design, launched June 3.
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Game Theory II MOOC launches
Game Theory II: Advanced Applications, a follow-up to UBC’s first massive open online course, or MOOC, launched May 27.
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What does flexible learning look like?
UBC President Stephen Toope, speaking about what could be seen as a historic shift in education that has also impacted the music industry, publishing, and “any other group that has focused on the provision of content and creative ideas,” opened a recent discussion on campus about what flexible learning looks like.
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Climate Literacy MOOC launches
UBC’s third massive open online course, or MOOC, Climate Literacy: Navigating Climate Change Conversations launched May 20.
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Pathology 417: An online, problem-based learning course
Bacterial Infection in Humans, a completely online course, grew out of Niamh Kelly’s desire to emulate her experiences as a student at Trinity College in Dublin, Ireland’s oldest university which was founded in 1592.
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Useful Genetics MOOC launches
UBC’s second massive open online course, or MOOC, Useful Genetics launched May 1 with more than 28,000 students registered.
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